Hondenoppas Maurice uit Utrecht

Hallo, ik ben Maurice!

Hondenoppas Utrecht: Maurice

I charge a bit more, but I think its definitely worth it. Please read on if you're interested ;)
About me? Well, I can say that we had many dogs in the family over the years, and I have always had a way them. Teaching dogs the basics comes easy to me, and I love learning about owners and their dogs. Operating from intuition and trust, I am predictable and consistent, which makes them feel safe.
On another note, I am retired and love to be outside in nature and have adventures together. Almost every day I go for a walk in the Dutch forests or sand dunes. Usually some friends will tag along. Everybody loves cruising the country roads in my Tesla model S with free electricity ;) I am not bragging here, but merely expressing my daily gratitude for what it enables us to do. It has a big trunk with a dog fence and room for one huge, or two midsized dogs :)
Now, imagine your dog(s) being tended to every day, and being together outside most of the time, coming home with me in our beautiful house with kind and loving people, where they are massaged and cuddled.
About multi-day stays: if you want your dog(s) to have a stable rhythm and a peaceful home at night, then that can be arranged. And if you like the idea of us going on a camping trip, then that would be quite the adventure ;)
Did I mention I have Apple AirTags (with my phone number on them) to track the dogs? I could even share the dogs' location so you can see where we are ;)


  • Haal en breng service
  • Lange wandelingen
  • Wandelingen in het bos
  • Wandelingen op de hei
  • Wandelingen op het strand

Contact met Maurice

Samenvatting hondenoppas

Woonplaats Hondenoppas Utrecht (3532)
Provincie Utrecht
Wijk Hondenoppas Utrecht West
Ervaring als hondenoppas 4 - 5 jaar
Heeft zelf honden Nee
Heeft zelf katten Nee
Heeft zelf kinderen Nee
Voorkeur oppaslocatie Geen voorkeur
Past op grote en kleine honden
Professionele hondenopvang Nee
Hondenuitlaatservice Nee
Leeftijd 52
Geslacht Man

Prijzen per hond

Per dag € 49
Per dag en nacht € 69
Uitlaten per keer € 29
*Prijs is een indicatie. Neem contact op voor meer informatie.


Lid sinds Mei 2024
Laatst bijgewerkt Mei 2024
Laatste keer ingelogd


Ma Di Wo Do Vr Za Zo
Niet beschikbaar

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